The Problem with Palm Oil
Palm oil is an incredibly common commodity found in hundreds of products from make-up and soap, to ice-cream …
The United Nations has proclaimed May 22, as The International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB). This year, the theme “Building a shared future for all life”, highlights the importance of biodiversity and its importance in addressing sustainable development challenges - the slogan looks at promoting a future where we live in harmony with nature, making space for both human and non-human life.
Biodiversity Day has evolved since it was first created in 1993. December 29 was originally the designated date, but that was changed in 2000 and it’s been celebrated on May 22 ever since.
The change was partly due to how hard it was for many countries to plan and carry out celebrations in December, given the number of existing holidays taking place at that time of year.
to climate change, health issues, food and water security and sustainable livelihoods, biodiversity is the foundation upon which we can build a better world.
Biological diversity is often understood in terms of the wide variety of animals, plants and microorganisms. But in actuality, it also accounts for genetic differences within each species - for example, between the ranges of breeds of livestock and crops - and the variety of ecosystems (deserts, forests, lakes, agricultural landscapes) that host multiple kinds of interactions amongst their members (humans, plants,
Biological diversity resources are the pillars on which we build civilisations. This comes in the form of the food we eat, the resources we use to build housing and medicines and everything in our everyday lives. While there is a growing recognition that biological diversity is an asset of astounding value for future generations, the number of species, genetic, and ecosystem diversity are being reduced by many human activities.
And this is why World Biodiversity Day is paramount today. As more people immerse themselves in its importance, this opens the door for more progressive and transformative, nature-based solutions.
This list of actions is aligned with the new ‘global biodiversity framework’. As a way to show support, you are called to:
Adopt any of the 22 actions or propose your own actions or lists
Share photos/videos of your action(s) on social media with the hashtag #BiodiversityDay
In the run-up to the 22nd of May, the campaign will showcase these actions taking place around the world. In accordance with the Convention on Biological Diversity, here are some of the key actions you can take to show support for World Biodiversity Day:
(Nagoya Protocol)
As well as this, the Action Agenda platform is a voluntary commitment platform for non-state actors (such as the private sector, academia, indigenous peoples and local communities) to make commitments that are highlighted in support of the implementation of the
Here, you can register your actions in support of this day.
Every remaining day before the UN Biodiversity Conference on October 1 is an opportunity to make your voice heard loud and clear that you wish for a strong global biodiversity framework that will “bend the curve” on biodiversity loss.
World Biodiversity Day 2022 celebrations come in the form of online awareness-raising campaigns and calls to action that are feasible at your national level.
Because we don’t believe carbon neutral is enough, we work with progressive businesses and leaders who want to restore Earth. So, if you’re ready to make an impact, be sure to check out our
and get started maximising the impact and value of your investments in nature.
(Exploring Natural Capital Opportunities, Risks and Exposure) is a tool to help businesses across all sectors understand their dependence and impact on nature, and how these dependencies and impacts might represent a business risk.
It also helps you see where environmental change translates into risks to your portfolio - for example, seeing how droughts could impact your mining portfolio. Understanding these dependencies on natural capital means that businesses can strengthen risk management processes, allowing better analysis for investments, loans and insurance.
(by the Capitals Coalition) also helps businesses explore their impacts and dependencies on natural capital through a decision-making framework. Here’s an overview of the different stages of this framework:
Frame stage - Why?
Scope stage - What?
Measure and value stage - How?
Apply stage - What next?
These stages cover all the way from determining the impacts and/or dependencies, to measuring these impacts and taking action in line with the results found. Biodiversity for business isn’t just about being
, it’s about making sure the natural world is protected and restored effectively.
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