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Earthly Bee

High quality carbon credits. Nature-based projects

Remove your carbon footprint while restoring nature & improving livelihoods.

Buy credits

Project marketplace

Purchase carbon credits

You can purchase large quantities or start with a small investment that builds overtime.

Find the perfect project

Earthly allows you to choose your offsetting projects, filtering by co-benefits such as education, water security, endangered species protection and empowering women.

Invest in nature

Buy credits directly through our project marketplace or let us help you build your own bundle of projects to match your values and business goals.

Share your positive impact

All Earthly customers receive an impact dashboard that can be shared with customers, partners, employees, stakeholders, etc. to engage them in your climate journey.

Robust project assessment

Carbon credits are in demand but businesses must purchase responsibly and understand what projects can achieve.

Earthly's assessment process analyses 106 data points, aggregating information from reliable sources, including BeZero and Google Earth Engine. It is transparent, scores across a wide range of aspects, and creates a clear methodology for assessing impact.

And we don't stop at the initial project assessment. We continue monitoring projects to ensure they deliver real impact.

Creating value for businesses around the world

Earthly CustomersCustomer stories