What matters beyond carbon?

The best nature-based projects have many benefits beyond just carbon removal. But we want to know what you think matters most.

cobenefits survey

Tell us what matters beyond carbon

Businesses are increasingly investing in nature-based projects that have an impact beyond carbon removal.

But there are so many potential benefits that it is hard to choose which to prioritise... employment opportunities, protecting endangered species, clean water, soil health, food security, improved gender rights, flood protection?

Tell us what you think! Share with us your opinions of what matters most in our quick survey and we will share the report with you.

Your thoughts, and the results of the survey, will help businesses prioritise their support of nature-based projects all over the world.

Fill out the survey

Assessing projects for their impact beyond carbon

Earthly only works with projects who demonstrate extensive evidence of co-benefits. You can discover our projects and their co-benefits below, or learn more about how we asses projects for their social, biodiversity and carbon impact here.

Browse projects and view their scores, locations, interventions and the SDGs supported

  • We have many exciting projects in our pipeline and some that aren't shown on our marketplace. Please revisit this page soon, or contact us directly to discuss your project needs.

    Additionally, if you are interested in early-stage project origination or bespoke project sourcing, we are happy to help you.

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