Jennifer Babington
Operations Director & General Counsel
Competing in Formula E, which has been net-zero since its inception, Envision are proud to be ‘the greenest team on the greenest grid’ and raise awareness about sustainability through sport. Their 'Race Against Climate Change' events bring together leading figures from a variety of key industries to discuss the ways to help preserve the planet for future generations.
Envision Racing partnered with Earthly on their ‘Sustainable Chain’ initiative, which is the audience-focussed element of Race Against Climate Change. On their website they have a series of climate pledges that enable users to see exactly how big a difference they could make by changing their habits - this is also where Earthly come in.
The climate solution
For every person who makes a pledge, Envision partnered with Earthly to ensure a mangrove tree is planted in Madagascar - making a measurable difference to the organisation's carbon footprint.
They needed to partner with an organisation who could deliver to the scale needed, while also adhering to the highest standards and following the most eco-friendly practices. Earthly were able to fit the bill on both counts.
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Through this initiative, Envision have helped to plant over 200,000 magnificent mangroves in Maroalika, Madagascar. Mangroves store even more carbon than traditional forests and provide multiple benefits to coastal communities like storm protection and water filtration. Each tree removes around 308kg of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere throughout its life cycle.
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Trees planted
Jennifer Babington
Operations Director & General Counsel
"It is most important to us to partner with organisations that can deliver on what we ask of them, at the scale we need, while also adhering to the highest standards and following the most eco-friendly practices."
"We aim to drive important conversations around all aspects of sustainability, with the overarching ambition of helping the world stick to global warming targets for the coming years. On-track we are about clean energy, circular economies and sustainable practices - but off it we try to engage with all aspects of the sustainability discourse and help highlight ways we can all make a difference.
The value we get from this partnership is in working with a partner who can be trusted to deliver, while following best practices for sustainability. Fans who make a pledge are reassured and encouraged by knowing trees are really being planted on their behalf, and helping to make a difference.
It is most important to us to partner with organisations that can deliver on what we ask of them and do so while adhering to the highest certifiable standards in the sustainability sector. We also value consistent communication and the ability to see how our campaign is progressing and how the trees are doing!"
"To date, we have had over 250,000 pledges made through our Race Against Climate Change portal, which is the most popular by visitor numbers on our website."
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