
Project origination

Secure access to future credits that match your values and budget.

About origination projects

What is project origination?

Origination is the process of creating new nature projects. Instead of buying credits on the spot market for carbon which was sequestered in the past, with origination, you can collaborate with project developers throughout its lifetime. You may plant a new forest, protect an endangered peatland, or protect a new stretch of coast with mangroves. You will reap the carbon, social, and biodiversity benefits of the projects as nature is restored and revived.

Why origination?



Join the forefront of climate action by creating a new nature-based project. We are innovating the market by driving project quality and ambition forward.

Earthly Sustainable eCommerce


Reduce uncertainty in your future supply of credits, ensuring your chosen project will deliver on your preferences and compliance needs.

Earthly Events


Secure cost-effective pricing ahead of a forecasted increase to $100 by 2030 driven by higher demand and limited land.

Project life cycle and agreement structure

How Earthly supports the project

All projects assessed by Earthly follow a specific life cycle framework that helps both Earthly and our customers pinpoint the project's current phase to maximise outcomes and benefits. The life cycle encompasses a detailed process, from initial planning through to the final retirement of verified emission reductions. It begins with the project planning phase, where the developer and Earthly rigorously evaluate the feasibility, design, and financing requirements of the project.

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The origination journey

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The investment process

palm trees


Your climate strategy should reflect the uniqueness of your business. We help you start your journey by translating your business needs into nature-based project features.

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We identify the project that meet your volume requirements, timeline and corporate values. By partnering with several leading project implementation partners worldwide, we can provide a wide range of options.

The underwater forests of the ocean, seaweed has the potential to provide a clean and permanent route for carbon dioxide removal into the ocean sink.


Our contracting process minimises risk and secures future credits effectively. We offer diverse contract options and purchase types along with optional insurance and tailored projects.

Why Earthly origination?

The Earthly advantage

Earthly Reports

Safeguard project delivery

Our due diligence process is unique in assessing carbon, biodiversity and social impact across more than 100 data points. Our high standards and oversight guarantee the delivery of carbon credits and lasting benefits to people and nature.

Earthly World

Match your objectives

We help identify projects aligned to your values, compliance needs, and preferred time horizons.

Earthly Sustainable eCommerce

Simplify procurement

Streamline your procurement process with our industry approved legal templates and pricing guidance. You can also join other businesses to ensure projects have the capital they need to succeed.

The Earthly assessment

Our assessment method stands out in emerging markets with holistic quality ratings. We build a detailed, holistic picture of project quality by integrating information on 106 carbon, biodiversity, and social quality indicators.

Carbon Accounting
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Where does the data come from?

Our assessment tool

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