Nature-based Solutions
Mitigate your carbon footprint, protect, regenerate and restore crucial ecosystems while reducing their emissions in your journey to becoming climate positive.
View our projectsNature-based solutions (NbS), which include natural climate solutions, are actions to protect, sustainably use, better manage and restore ecosystems while addressing global challenges. They can contribute a third of the mitigation needed by 2030 to stabilise warming to below 2°C. All nature-based projects in Earthly’s marketplace directly address climate change by reducing and removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, restoring biodiversity and improving livelihoods.
Our natured-based solutions
Peatlands are the largest natural terrestrial carbon store. They store more carbon than all other vegetation types in the world combined.
Protecting forests ensures huge stores of carbon remain locked away, as forests currently hold more carbon than has ever been emitted by industry.
Healthy grasslands help to maintain our ground water table by improving water infiltration, slowing runoff and purifying the water in our groundwater table.
Mangroves are coastal trees and shrubs that line the boundary between land and the sea. Actions include both mangrove protection and restoration.
We partner with high-quality projects across the world.
Nature-based solutions can encompass a wide range of approaches to tackle climate change and address socio-environmental challenges, from reforestation to regenerative agriculture. They also help societies thrive by creating and managing healthy ecosystems that secure access to fresh water, make the air safer, and increase food security.
At Earthly, we are passionate about nature-based solutions. We are committed to championing these projects as the best way for businesses to mitigate their carbon footprint while reducing their emissions in their journey to becoming climate positive.
Find out how nature-based solutions could save 10 gigatonnes (GT) of carbon dioxide equivalent per year.
Download our NbS ebook)