To protect peatlands, what is needed from science, policy and the private sector?
Climate-conscious businesses are always looking for innovative ways to support carbon removal, while supporting local communities and helping biodiversity flourish. Peatlands have long been exploited for human benefit, but are now starting to be recognised for their amazing biodiversity and carbon-sink properties.
Saving our peatlands
Our next webinar will focus on Peatland Restoration, what it means, the science on peatland restoration, and how businesses can make the biggest impact by supporting these restorative efforts.
We’ll be joined by an expert panel including: Sally Blyth, from NatureScot, who run the Peatland ACTION Project delivering peatland restoration across Scotland; Ecologist Prof. J. Boone Kauffman from Oregon State University and the Blue Carbon Initiative; and Earthly's own Research Associate, Banashree Thapa. The conversation will cover:
- What peatland rewetting/restoration entails
- The benefits of healthy peatlands/restored peatlands
- Key projects and developments around the world
- Peatland Carbon Code & how voluntary carbon finance can support peatland restoration projects (UK and global)
- How business can get started and invest with impact
The Planet Earthly Webinar Series
As companies around the world focus on reducing their carbon footprints and mitigating damage to the environment, many struggle to find the right solutions to support their goals. The Earthly webinar series brings together panels of experts to provide insights and answer questions that help businesses identify and select impactful nature-based solutions.